Department of Power

Government of Arunachal Pradesh

Management Information System


                                    As per Retail Supply Tariff Order for FY 2018-2019

                                    (Issued by Hon'ble APSERC on 26-07-2024)


Sl. No.Categories of ConsumersTariff
(₹ / KWH)
1Non Commercial Consumers (Domestic)
a)1-Phase, 230 Volt4.00
b)3-Phase, 400 Volt4.00
c)KJP & BPL connection2.65
d)3-Phase, 11KV3.40
e)3-Phase, 33KV3.25
2Commercial Consumers (Non-Industrial)
a)1-Phase, 230 Volt5.00
b)3-Phase, 400 Volt5.00
c)3-Phase, 11KV4.20
d)3-Phase, 33KV4.00
3Public Lighting and Water Supply Consumers
a)1-Phase, 230 Volt5.10
b)3-Phase, 400 Volt5.10
c)3-Phase, 11KV4.20
d)3-Phase, 33KV4.00
4Agricultural Consumers
a)1-Phase, 230 Volt3.10
b)3-Phase, 400 Volt3.10
c)3-Phase, 11KV2.75
d)3-Phase, 33KV2.65
5Industrial Consumers
a)1-Phase, 230 Volt4.30
b)3-Phase, 400 Volt4.30
c)3-Phase, 11KV3.85
d)3-Phase, 33KV3.50
e)3-Phase, 132 KV3.35
6Bulk Mixed Consumers
a)3-Phase, 11KV3.75
b)3-Phase, 33KV3.40
c)3-Phase, 132 KV 3.25
7Temporary Connection
a)As per Meter Supply6.50